Transforming CodeWords publication into a native mobile app that allows potential clients & job seekers to keep up with the latest content by the Heady team.

Time Frame

2022 (1 week sprint)




iOS App



Codewords App

✔️ Showcases a horizontal navigation of all the subcategories, prioritizing which articles the blog showcases based on the user type.

✔️ Push notifications for users to join the mailing list in order to generate leads.

✔️ Seamless onboarding showcasing three user paths: potential client, potential job seeker or a neutral party.

How can we make CodeWords an enticing platform for Heady, and, in turn, find ways to generate client leads and attract job seekers?

Research Insights

I interviewed Heady’s internal team in order to hone in on the overall scope of this app. From our conversations, I created an affinity map in order to digest this information.

Next, I created a customer journey map in order to prioritize activities that will make the most impact for the customers while keeping in mind Heady’s business goals.


01/ Generate Client Leads

The primary purpose of CodeWords is to attract potential clients. Heady’s team publishes in-house articles on coding, engineering, research, strategy, and company updates.

02/ Attract Job Seekers

The secondary purpose of CodeWords is to attract potential job seekers by showcasing Heady’s company culture in order to retain and attract talent.

03/ Showcase Heady’s Story

Heady specializes in mobile apps, so this native blog app will be an opportunity showcase Heady’s capabilities.

I explored different concepts for the home page and created lo-fidelity prototypes to test with users. The majority of the users liked the mixed size of cards for articles and a constant navigation on top so they're not endlessly scrolling to get to the section they're looking for.

Mobile Iterations


❌Needs Navigation

✔️ Varied Card Sizes

✔️Main Article is Clear

✔️Modal is Clear

✔️Simple Contact Form

User Journey

Example of a happy, client user journey pathway from logging in to finding the desired blog post and accessing the contact form.


🤔 Feature Prioritization is a Must

This was created as a 1-week sprint. Due to the short timeline, it was essential to create a “must have” and “nice to have” list. The next steps would be to add the ability for users to comment on the blog posts to create more of a community.

🤔 More Testing

Since this was fast moving, I had a limited window to get user feedback as I worked through the process. Another round of usability testing is needed before more features are launched.